First DGM Regional Training held in Burkina Faso from 19-23 July
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The DGM Global Executing Agency, in coordination with IUCN-Burkina Faso (the National Executing Agency for DGM Burkina Faso), hosted the Africa regional training on climate change in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from the 19th to the 23rd of July, 2016. Thirty-four participants representing 12 African countries and three African IPLC regional networks attended the workshop.
The objectives of the workshop were two-fold: first, to strengthen the capacity of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) to participate in the Forest Investment Program and other REDD+ programs at the local, national and global levels and second, to strengthen the networks and partnerships of IPLC organizations within and across the region to enhance their representation in regional and global policy fora.
During the workshop, the GEA facilitated a mapping exercise with the workshop participants, which will be used as part of a social network analysis to allow for better understanding of how information and resources move through networks of individuals and institutions in the region. Participants also learned more about climate change, REDD+, and the UNFCCC, and visited with provincial government officials and local communities in Sapouy (a little more than 100 km south of Ougadougou) to learn more about sustainable forest management techniques being utilized there. On the final day of the training, participants received training on negotiation skills from Samuel Dotse, a civil society advisor for the Ghana delegation in UNFCCC negotiations.
View the workshop materials here: ENGLISH | PORTUGUÉS | FRANÇAIS
For more pictures from the training, visit the DGM Global Facebook page. Read local coverage of the workshop and opening ceremony on (in French).