MozDGM Approved by the World Bank
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The DGM Global team is excited to share an update on DGM Mozambique (MozDGM), which received approval from the World Bank Board on Wednesday, December 6. This is a big accomplishment and a necessary step to begin project implementation.
Like the other country projects, MozDGM has been designed to support the specific needs and priorities of Mozambique’s local communities. Mozambique has several laws and policies allowing for community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), but there has been limited promotion of these opportunities, and the country's local communities have lacked representation in national-level policy making. MozDGM will strengthen the capacity of communities and community-based organizations (CBOs) in the targeted regions of Zambézia and Cabo Delgado to participate in CBNRM and key policy-making opportunities. MozDGM will also provide financial and technical support for CBO-led subprojects, focusing on agriculture, forest-related value chains and restoration, nature-based tourism, and fishery-related value chains.
The National Steering Committee of MozDGM had its first meeting in Nampula in April 2017. Photo Credit: DGM Mozambique
The structure of MozDGM mirrors that of the other DGM projects, with a National Steering Committee (NSC) providing leadership and oversight and a National Executing Agency (NEA) implementing project activities. WWF Mozambique was selected as MozDGM’s NEA in August, and it will now be working in coordination with the NSC members to prepare for the project’s official launch, which will take place during the National Community-Based Natural Resource Management Conference in February 2018.
DGM Global congratulates the MozDGM team on this accomplishment and looks forward to an ongoing partnership in support of the project’s goals.
Posted by Adam Grider