June 2019 DGM Annual Newsletter

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DGM DIGEST | Issue 11 | June 2019                View this email in your browser

The DGM GSC during the Fifth Annual GSC Meeting hosted in Brussels, Belgium. Photo: DGM Global

Global Steering Committee Holds Fifth Annual Meeting

The Global Steering Committee (GSC) of the Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (DGM) gathered in Brussels, Belgium from May 17-20 for its fifth annual meeting. The GSC includes representatives of each of the ten operational National Steering Committees (Brazil, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Mexico, Mozambique, Peru, Nepal and the Republic of the Congo), as well as one representative of a country outside the Forest Investment Program (Philippines).

During the three-day meeting, the GSC members discussed the progress of the DGM to date, reviewed and approved a workplan and budget for the DGM Global project's fifth year, and made several important decisions to guide the DGM's work going forward, including:

·         Recommending options to optimize DGM Global additional funding;

·         Revising the global project's results framework;

·         Electing the Global Steering Committee co-chairs and subcommittees for the next two years;

·         Planning the sixth GSC Meeting in Cote d’Ivoire to support the initial implementation of the DGM country project


Congratulations to Idrissa Zeba and Mina Setra on their re-election as GSC co-chairs. The leadership of the GSC members has been invaluable to the DGM's progress, and their continued guidance and oversight will be essential for ensuring the project's success and the sustainability of the project's results.

DGM Animated Explainer Video
Check out the new DGM Animated Explainer Video. We’ve distilled our goal into a 2-minute video that you can share with your friends and communities. Stay tuned for video translations!
DGM Ghana

In January 2019, DGM Ghana announced Okyeame Kwame as its Climate Change Ambassador. Okyeame is a talented Ghana-based musician who has been instrumental in engaging with the Ghanaian community to bring attention to local communities' contributions to reducing deforestation and addressing the climate crisis. His popularity across Ghana and his release of a DGM jingle has already begun to boost climate awareness in-country and make a meaningful impact in local communities.

During Africa Climate Week 2019, Kwame highlighted DGM Ghana's efforts and called on the public for further support to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. To read more, click here
DGM Mozambique

Exchange participants and local community members gather together in the local community site in the multi-use Agricultural/Outer buffer zone of Gorongosa National Park. © 2019 Luis Barquin

In February 2019, DGM Global organized its 10th Learning Exchange in Mozambique. For this exchange, the objectives focused on understanding community and private sector engagement in sustainable value chains and the impact of benefit-sharing mechanisms on rural development. Participants from 8 different countries visited the Sofala region and focused their attention to site visits in two main landscapes: the Catapu private forest concession and the Gorongosa National Park.

Since 2016, over 250 leaders representing indigenous peoples and local communities from more than 40 countries have participated in the DGM’s learning exchanges, which have evolved according to feedback from participants and guidance from the project’s Global Steering Committee. Initially, DGM exchanges were strongly focused on classroom style learning to address specific learning objectives prioritized by the GSC, as well as a focus on understanding and strengthening IPLC networks. Over time, they have evolved to accommodate participants who expressed appreciation for more collaborative exchanges and field visits to relevant forest management activities.

Today, DGM exchanges offer not only an opportunity for IPLC leaders to learn about a DGM country project, but also a space where participants contribute their own subject matter expertise and recommendations to the DGM host country. The wide spectrum of expertise and knowledge of the growing DGM network is a great asset for the analysis and strengthening of governance and implementation of DGM and other community-led initiatives alike.

For the complete blog series, click here

Support the Victims of Cyclone Idai

DGM Brazil

Congratulations to Lucely Pio on her new role as the DGM Brazil GSC member! Lucely is a quilombola community leader and a traditional knowledge expert whose work with medicinal plants seeks to preserve and disseminate knowledge while also ensuring the sustainable management and use of the Cerrado's natural resources.

In mid-May, DGM Brazil launched a video on the origin of the DGM and its success in bringing together indigenous and traditional knowledge for the benefit of climate action. It highlights the intimate relationship IPLC’s have to the land and how the DGM has facilitated peer-to-peer empowerment by enabling their autonomy in designing and implementing IPLC-led projects:

DGM Democratic Republic of Congo

In March 2019, DGM DRC released its first newsletter! Some of the highlights include:
  • Training for 9,000 indigenous Batwa people on legal instruments and rights
  • Development of community-based forest management resources
  • Development of training modules to support the elaboration, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of micro-projects
  • Production of village land maps
  • Training on GPS handling and environmental and social safeguards
  • Development of a monitoring and evaluation manual
To read the newsletter, click here.
DGM Indonesia

In DGM Indonesia recently completed the selection of 28 sub-project proposals. Projects will be implemented across 7 regions and will focus on community outreach, mobilization, capacity development, tenure, and improved livelihoods.
Learn more at: www.dgmindonesia.id
DGM Indonesia NEA and NSC members gathered after completion of selecting sub-project proposals. Photo Credit: DGM Indonesia
DGM Indonesia presented this update to the GSC during the fifth annual GSC Meeting held in Brussels, Belgium.  
DGM Mexico

The main achievements for the DGM in Mexico for this period are:

  • 42 subprojects approved for financing under the market-oriented and financial inclusion window. The main productive activity will be community sustainable forestry, followed by eco-agriculture and ecotourism.
  • 23 knowledge-sharing and know-how workshops and exchanges will be conducted throughout 2019, among IPLC, associations of producers, and community enterprises.
  • 20 local community promoters were selected to be trained in financial inclusion topics and REDD+ processes. These promoters will also accompany the execution of local subprojects approved under the DGM.
  • By the end of 2019, the social inclusion window subprojects will be selected. This window will support the inclusion of social priority groups such as indigenous women, youth and avecindados.

Community members from a DGM Mexico subproject stand together presenting their workshop artifacts at their place of work. Photo Credit: DGM Mexico


DGM Peru

Congratulations to Ruth Buendía on her new role as the DGM Peru alternate
GSC member! Ruth is a representative of the Asháninka people and a Goldman Prize recipient. She is recognized internationally for leading the succesful fight against the proposed Pakitzapango Dam by mobilizing her community and ensuring the construction of the dam came to a halt. Ruth will
be sharing the responsibility as GSC member with CONAP partner Marilen Puquio Arturo.

DGM Peru’s NSC representative organizations, AIDESEP and CONAP, signed an Interinstitutional Cooperative Agreement on May 17, 2019 with the Indigenous Peoples of the Peruvian Northern Amazon (ORPIAN-P) and the Amazon Regional Agrarian Department, a state entity, to address communal land recognition and titling. The beneficiaries include 34 communities of the Rio Santiago, Aramango and El Cenepa districts. The Cooperative Agreement will also assist in the extension process and georeferencing of communal territories. To read more, click here. 


Later in the month, on May 28th, President Martin Vizcarra granted land titles to two communities in Iquito as a result of the combined efforts of DGM Peru and partners. Overall, DGM Peru has contributed positively to the recognition and registration of 234 indigenous communities and supported 88 indigenous communities undergoing land titling. Since 2016, the program has effectively distributed funds to 18 indigenous organizations and reported a total of more than 10,000 family beneficiaries. As for the implementation of subprojects, 11 have been completed in 27 indigenous communities and 17 are currently in implementation phase in 33 indigenous communities.

DGM Burkina Faso

The main achievements for DGM Burkina Faso in this period are:
  • Implementation of environmental activities on groves and nurseries in 5 schools
  • 2 trainings held on income-generating activities, tenure security and sustainable management of natural resources
  • A study on traditional knowledge and practices
  • 2 trainings for microproject promoters (106 trained) on financial and accounting management
  • 53 micro-projects financed and monitored
  • Of the 32 sub-projects approved in 2018, 27 have begun implementation and the remaining 5 will be launched in June 2019
  • 3 trainings for tech operators conducted on financial and accounting management  
Upcoming activities:
  • Development of video on good practices
  • Ongoing trainings for 160 local community members (90 women) on sustainable management of natural resources, rights, and land tenure
DGM Nepal

Nepal recently finalized the member selection for their National Steering Committee for the DGM Nepal. The selection process was highly inclusive and participatory.
During the upcoming months, the World Bank team will support the NSC with defining the Results of Procedure as well as the process of selecting the National Executing Agency for the future DGM project. 

Congratulations to Jagat Bahadur Baram and Bharati Pathak on their new roles as the DGM Nepal alternate GSC members!
DGM National Executing Agencies
About the DGM: The Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (DGM) is a global initiative that supports the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and promote sustainable forest management and forest carbon stocks (REDD+). Established in 2010 as a special window under the Climate Investment Funds’ (CIF) Forest Investment Program (FIP) and implemented by the World Bank, the DGM places US$80 million directly in the hands of the people who simultaneously depend on and protect forests. Consisting of 10 active country projects and a global learning and knowledge exchange project, the DGM supports, shares, and elevates—to the national and global policy arena—sustainable forest-use practices led by indigenous peoples and local communities.
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Chloe Hans-Barrientos