Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Local Communities

Project Document
Status: Completed Funding:
US$4.5 million
Forest Investment Program Approval: August 2017
World Bank Approval: December 2017
Implementation: December 2017 - February 2023
National Steering Committee: List
National Executing Agency: WWF Mozambique

Project Website | Climate Investment Funds | World Bank

Objective: Strengthening the capacity of target communities and community-based organizations to participate in integrated land management

Natural Resource Management

DGM Mozambique supports the implementation of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), a strategy for enhancing conservation outcomes while improving rural livelihoods which has been supported by the Mozambique government. The project will provide capacity building and support the implementation of 8-10 activities led by communities and community-based organizations.

Policy Engagement

The project will also fund the development of national-level policy proposals supporting CBNRM based on lessons learned from DGM subprojects. These proposals will be developed in a participatory manner. In February 2018, DGM Mozambique participated in the 5th National CBNRM Conference, where it was highlighted as the flagship project for CBNRM in Mozambique.

Private Sector Partnerships

DGM Mozambique’s CBNRM subprojects could include the establishment or strengthening of partnerships with the private sector, where doing so could support private endeavors and increase market access and institutional support for the community or community-based organization.