IPLC Fellows Message on Earth Day 2022
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On Earth Day, DGM Global Learning Fellows share their message about investing in the planet and hope for the future.
"Eveil en forêt" (Awakening in the forest)in the reserve of Dalhia Fleurs (Abatta /Côte d'Ivoire), an activity for children and their families, to reconnect with nature, to awaken all their senses and to learn while having fun. Credit: Salimata Toh
Asmita Pandey - DGM Nepal
As a forester and a local community youth leader, me and my team have been working towards dryland and degraded land restoration through the plantation of lime and bamboo. We are also linking landscape restoration with livelihood enhancement through enterprise development and more surprisingly youth are actively involved in this entire project. I hope that the growing awareness of youth towards climate change, land degradation, and environmental issues will surely make our earth a better place to live in.
Karla Juárez - DGM Mexico
“I believe that what may seem like small actions today will become part of big changes tomorrow.”
In our community, we seek to protect and care for the forest we have, because we know that what is found in it, such as water, plants, trees and wild animals are important and we must respect them, as well as encourage respect among human beings to maintain life on planet Earth, we also understand that care is not only for our benefit but also for the inhabitants of the world. The urban sprawl, exploitation of resources, sale of the territory is increasingly evident but we try to be more and more aware of the importance of taking care of our community, because to live this way is to have peace, clean air, pure water, food such as corn, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes and above all to have a place where children can grow up free in the countryside.
I am hopeful about the future of our planet because more and more people are committed to the care of the Earth and all the good deeds of love and respect towards nature will be an example for future generations. I believe that what may seem like small actions today will become part of big changes tomorrow.
Landscapes of the Community of San Andrés Ixtlahuaca, Oaxaca, Mexico. Photo: Karla Juárez
Salimata Toh - DGM Cote d’Ivoire
I would like to share the solutions that are being developed by the youth of Côte d'Ivoire to fight against the climate problems that affect my community located in Djouroutou such as the transformation of banana tree waste for the confection of paper in order to reduce the use of wood and generate another source of income for planters.
There is hope because every problem has a solution, it is just a matter of finding the most appropriate one with effective results, I take the example of an initiative called Seedballs Cote d'Ivoire which has revisited planting through the planting of seedballs via drones.
Fagno Moreno - DGM Brazil
We raise awareness in our community about the importance of preserving nature and how we can also benefit from the riches the earth offers without causing a major environmental impact.
We believe that everything we do today will have an impact in the future, and with this in mind we are committed to leaving a green, living, and sustainable legacy. Our communities have worked hard to preserve our forests by protecting and reforesting areas that have been deforested illegally.
Pau Santo community, Lago do Junco/MA, Brazil during the seminar on "Good Practices and Forest Management" held by COPPALJ in partnership with communities. Photo: Fagno Moreno
Bertrand Some - DGM Burkina Faso
Like all sub-Saharan countries, Burkina Faso is directly affected by the adverse effects of climate change. In my community, whose production activities are mainly agro-sylvopastoral, local initiatives are developed to mitigate the burden. On this Earth Day, whose theme is: Investing in our planet, I would like to share with the world these experiences of good practices.
Through the experience of disasters and the awareness sessions (conducted by the State, NGOs and civil society actors), we see a general understanding that has created a movement to promote rational and sustainable land management and the application of good practices (techniques and knowledge).
This photo was taken in the vegetable garden of the Public Primary School of Diébé, in the Province of Noumbiel in Burkina Faso, of which I am the Director and responsible for the implementation of the activities of the nursery and the realization of a school grove, under DGM Burkina Faso.
“Respect the territories and ways of life of Indigenous peoples.”
Lia López - DGM Mexico
My community, Capulálpam de Méndez, located in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, implements community governance and participatory planning models for the protection, conservation, restoration and sustainable use of our natural resources.
We carry out specific actions to address climate change by participating in the voluntary market through the sale of carbon credits captured in our forests and we implement sustainable productive activities in our territory such as ecotourism activities to strengthen the local economy.
Connection and harmony with nature in Capulálpam de Méndez. Photo: Lia López