Overview | Brazil | Burkina Faso | Cote d’Ivoire | DRC | Ghana | Guatemala | Indonesia | Mexico | Mozambique | Nepal | Peru | Rep. of Congo

Dedicated Grant Mechanism for
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Project Document
Status: Completed Funding: US$6.0 million
Forest Investment Program Approval: May 2017
World Bank Approval: September 2017
Implementation: October 2017 - June 2024
National Steering Committee: List
National Executing Agency: Rainforest Alliance
Project Website | Climate Investment Funds | World Bank
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Objective: Strengthening the capacity of forest-dependent people from selected states to participate in local, national, and international REDD+ related processes

DGM Mexico’s subprojects focus on conservation and integration of sustainable productive activities into forest landscape management. Funded subprojects should improve community livelihoods, increase community participation in forest landscape management, support climate change mitigation and adaptation, and encourage participation of women, youth, and those without land (avecindados). Funding for DGM Mexico subprojects goes through two windows: one for financial/market-oriented inclusion and one for social inclusion. The financial inclusion window supports producer organizations and community enterprises by matching and leveraging resources to strengthen networks and increase market access for communities. The social inclusion window offers full funding to small, innovative proposals, with priority given to those submitted by vulnerable social groups.
Local Community Promoters
DGM Mexico’s capacity building was designed to reflect a belief that the project’s targeted beneficiaries will learn most effectively through the leadership and example of their peers. DGM Mexico will select and train 20 qualified young professionals to become “local community promoters”, who will be trained in relevant topics and will be located within communities to identify and support promising subproject opportunities.
The World Bank has been selected to continue managing DGM Global under the Nature, People, and Climate (NPC) program with an allocation of US$5 million under the DGM’s new financing window.
In recognition of International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, DGM GSC member Jagat Baram shares how this date is recognized and honored in his community and country.
In celebration of International Women's Day month, DGM Global invited one of the Global Steering Committee members, Lucely Pio to share her story and talk about the involvement of women in DGM Brazil projects.
A message to you from the 2021 cohort of DGM Global Learning Fellows: Indigenous and Local Community leaders from Brazil,, Mexico, Burkina Faso, and the Republic of Congo.
Hoy, en el Día Internacional de la tierra, quiero celebrar los esfuerzos que vienen realizando los pueblos indígenas del mundo para continuar protegiendo nuestro planeta. De tantas buenas experiencias a nivel local, quería resaltar una iniciativa desarrollada en la amazonía peruana con el Proyecto MDE Saweto.
Bharati Pathak, DGM Global Steering Committee member from Nepal, chair of the Federation of Community Forest User Groups Nepal (FECOFUN) and focal point for FECOFUN’s Gender Policy and Advocacy Program has been selected as the alternate observer of the Forest Investment Program (FIP) for the Eastern Europe/Asia/ Central Asia/Pacific region.
The Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) is excited to share its 2020 Annual Report, covering the program’s fifth year supporting indigenous peoples and local communities.
This newsletter features DGM country and global project updates, stories of Indigenous and Local Community resilience, COVID-19 resources, publications, videos, upcoming events, and more!
In Indonesia, many communities working with the DGM in Sumatra, Java, East Java, and Sumba Island have taken the initiative to distribute food, conduct needs assessments, track coronavirus cases, and create quarantine centers and awareness campaigns. They have increased crop production to supply indigenous communities experiencing food shortages due to the long dry season coupled with the impact of COVID-19. Community cooperation has been critical in maintaining resilience and is evident in four stories written by DGM Indonesia NSC members.
Read about how local communities in Ghana, with the support of Solidaridad West Africa, are contributing to climate change mitigation while improving their resilience to the global crisis through forest restoration, beekeeping, climate-smart cocoa, renewable energy solutions, solar-powered boreholes and more!
Winners of DGM Photo Contest Focused on Indigenous Peoples and local communities Announced
In April, DGM Global published its 12th newsletter! Have you read the latest country project updates and DGM Global stories? Check out the newsletter for access to videos, photos, stories, reports, and program updates.
A message to you from Indigenous and Local Community leaders from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Nepal, Philippines, and Ghana.
DGM Brazil has launched its first newsletter of 2020 highlighting its progress thus far with a focus on the role of women, capacity building, subproject results, and social impact.
Read three stories from DGM Indonesia partners: the Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago of Central Sulawesi (AMAN Sulawesi Tengah) and of Mentawai (AMAN Mentawai) and the Namblong Indigenous Women’s Organization (ORPA).