Latin America Regional Exchange held in Minas Gerais, Brazil!
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The last of four learning exchanges hosted this year by the DGM is taking place from June 15-18 in Minas Gerais, Brazil! The DGM Brazil National Executing Agency, CAA is co-facilitating the event.
The workshop objectives are to:
Strengthen the capacity of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) to participate in the Forest Investment Program and other climate related programs at local, national and global levels.
Strengthen the networks and alliances of IPLC organizations within and across Latin America with a view to enhancing their representation and voice in national, regional and global policy fora.
Bring together IPLC leaders from Latin America with different backgrounds and expertise to learn about and provide feedback on DGM Brazil’s activities.
We will have 27 participants from 9 countries in the region, representing DGM Brazil, DGM Mexico, DGM Peru and DGM Mozambique and networks such as COICA, COFENIAE and AMPB.
A primary goal of the Global Project is to increase IPLC skills in technical and policy topics related to climate change, enhancing their participation in FIP and REDD+ at the national, regional and global scales. The GEA conducts regional and global workshops on technical and policy topics related to climate action. The geographic scope of the Global Project’s knowledge sharing activities includes IPLCs from FIP/DGM countries, in addition to IPLCs from non-FIP/DGM countries.
English / Portuguese / Spanish
Workshop Booklet
English / Portuguese / Spanish
Follow the progess of the exchange on Facebook + Twitter; using the handle #DGMAmericasExchange
Photo credit, Arquivo CAA/NM - JR Ripper