MPIDO and DGM show how capacity building for climate action reaches African IPLC organizations on the ground

COP22, known as the COP of Action, will take key steps to build and mobilize the capacity of developing countries to meet and enhance their 2020 climate targets.  Recognition of the essential role that indigenous peoples and local communities play in climate change action is increasing, and the financial resources that are in proportion to that role must follow. 

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DGM indigenous peoples and local community leaders at COP22 in Marrakesh

Indigenous peoples and local community leaders from around the world came to Marrakesh to contribute to the agenda for the action of Paris Agreement. The DGM has coordinated the participation of 8 leaders from Asia, Africa and Latin America prepared to focus on providing inputs mainly related to Climate Finance, NDCs, NWP, Adaptation, and agriculture among other important topics.

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What the IUCN WCC decisions mean for IPLCs

El Congreso Mundial de Conservación se realiza cada cuatro años y esta vez se realizó en el mes de Septiembre en Honolulu, Hawái, USA. Participaron alrededor de 45 representantes de los pueblos indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe, Norte América, Rusia, Asia, África y el Pacifico. Luego de una fuerte incidencia en los miembros de la IUCN los pueblos indígenas lograron avanzar en algunas de sus demandas.

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