Latin America Exchange to be held June 2018

This year, we are excited to announce that the second Latin America Regional Exchange will take place between June 11-15, 2018 in Satipo, Peru. The exchange learning topics include titling of indigenous lands and territories, recognition of communities, management of natural resources, and a day of workshops on the importance of communities in land management practices and ecological monitoring.

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Culture, Livelihoods, and Participation of Indigenous Peoples to be Supported and Enhanced, Thanks to Newly Adopted Green Climate Fund Indigenous Peoples Policy

The DGM Global Steering Committee and Global Executing Agency are thrilled to congratulate indigenous peoples and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) on the adoption of the GCF Indigenous Peoples Policy (GCF/B.19/05). During the GCF’s Board Meeting in Songdo, South Korea this week, one of the major priorities of indigenous peoples was the adoption of the Indigenous Peoples Policy. The policy was adopted this morning, February 27, with no questions or objections.

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DGM Brasil National Steering Committee elects new coordination!

During the meeting, the members of the NSC were updated and the coordinators were elected for the 2018/2020 biennium. The indigenous Srewe Xerente and the quilombola Lucely Morais Pio, who took over the coordination and vice-coordination, previously held positions by the indigenous João Nonoy Krikati and the babaçu coconut breaker Maria do Socorro Teixeira Lima (2016/2018), respectively.

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