DGM Indonesia's First Call for Sub-Project Proposals
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The DGM Global Executing Agency would like to congratulate DGM Indonesia for launching its first call for sub-project proposals (full details and proposal instructions available here in Indonesian). This represents an exciting opportunity for indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) to have direct access to climate finance through the Forest Investment Program. This funding will allow them to pursue their own priorities of strengthened land tenure, legal recognition of rights, and sustainable livelihoods.
The full call for proposals goes into more detail, but the eligible activities include:
Pursuing legal recognition of communal rights
Capacity building and support for increased land ownership of IPLCs,
Applying for social forestry permits,
Pursuing recognition under Indonesia’s Village Law, and
Capacity building to improve IPLC livelihoods.
Members of the National Steering Committee of DGM Indonesia gathered for the project's official launch in March 2017.
Photo Credit: DGM Indonesia
DGM Indonesia will be focused on sharing this call for proposals throughout August, and submissions are due by September 22, 2017. After reviewing all proposals, they expect to make their final selection in November, with project implementation anticipated to begin in December.
This is an exciting step for DGM Indonesia, and we look forward to seeing how these initiatives progress in the coming year.