DGM engages in the informal dialogue on the LCIP platform
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On Monday, September 11th, an informal dialogue will take place at Delta Hotel, in Ottawa, Canada to discuss the proposals for the operationalization of the local communities and indigenous peoples platform (LCIP) which was adopted in the Paris Agreement. During SBSTA 46 in Bonn, Germany, an official multi-stakeholder dialogue was held with governments and indigenous peoples and local community’s representatives to discuss the structure and function of this platform, which strives to recognize and incorporate the indigenous people’s traditional knowledge systems and practices of local communities and indigenous peoples to adapt and mitigate to climate change. This provided a space for governments and IPLCs to exchange their views. The report can be found here.
During COP22 multiple contact groups have been facilitated to further discuss the purpose, content and structure of the LCIP platform. Indigenous peoples and local communities have high aspirations for this platform, with hopes for a decision-making body. Although there are a variety of positions in relation to the structure of the platform, the main functions are clear. The platform will serve as:
1. An opportunity to provide capacity building to local communities and indigenous peoples and engage the governments on the value of indigenous peoples traditional knowledge systems in climate action.
2. An opportunity for knowledge sharing and best practices on the role and use of indigenous peoples traditional knowledge systems and in informing climate change policies at the national and global level.
3. An opportunity to further facilitate IPLCs engagement on climate actions.
The platform will support the strengthening of indigenous peoples traditional knowledge systems in relation to climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, REDD+, and ocean conservation etc. This will directly benefit communities as they exchange with others from different geographic areas who share similar challenges with climate change; it is also intended for the platform to inform action at the policy level which will further benefit communities and national plans.
The follow-up to this upcoming dialogue will be in Bonn, Germany during COP23. SBSTA 47 will consider the report and prepare recommendations for operationalization of the platform to COP23.
DGM GSC members have been engaged in this process and will continue to provide inputs for the operationalization of the platform to contribute with IPLCs knowledge systems to strengthen the local actions in adaptation and mitigation.
Indigenous peoples and local community’s representatives have a prepatory meeting prior to Monday's informal dialogue.
Johnson Cerda and Melanie Allen