Happy International Day of Peace!

Today, the DGM Global project is celebrating the International Day of Peace. This holiday was established by the United Nations in 1981 and is devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.” This holiday is a good reminder that, in order to create sustainable and inclusive peace, it is important to hear the perspectives of those from all different backgrounds.

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2nd Africa Regional Exchange on Agroforestry held in Kumasi, Ghana

After a successful first year of exchanges, the DGM Global Project kicked off the 2nd Africa Regional Exchange in Kumasi, Ghana. The exchange, which was from August 28th- August 31st, 2017, had representation from all of the DGM Africa projects, along with a participant from a DGM project in Nepal to foster cross-regional exchange.

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DGM Indonesia's First Call for Sub-Project Proposals

DGM Global would like to congratulate DGM Indonesia for launching its first call for sub-project proposals. This represents an exciting opportunity for indigenous peoples and local communities to have direct access to climate finance through the Forest Investment Program. This funding will allow them to pursue their own priorities of strengthened land tenure, legal recognition of rights, and sustainable livelihoods.

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